Privacy statement

If you choose to voluntarily provide information, allpa B.V. will use this information in accordance with the privacy policy.

allpa B.V. considers privacy important. Personal data is treated and secured with the utmost care, in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

allpa B.V., located in Nijmegen, Kerkenbos 1015, 6546BB, Netherlands, is responsible for data processing (Controller within the meaning of the GDPR). We attach great importance to your privacy. The data you provide to us is treated and secured carefully.

When are personal data collected?
We collect your data from the moment you fill in or leave your details on our website, or in any other way sign up or are registered to use our services.

Why do we collect your personal data?
We collect and process your data for handling your orders.

Your personal data is processed to:

  1. Comply with applicable laws and regulations;
  2. Complete your dealer details.

What personal data do we collect from you?
At the moment you enter into a delivery agreement with allpa B.V., we process the following personal data -
You are responsible for the accuracy and relevance of the data you provide.
More specifically, it concerns – among other things – the following (documents with) company and personal data:

  1. Name and company name;
  2. Chamber of Commerce (KVK) number + extract;
  3. VAT number;
  4. Address details of the owner/director, email address, and other contact details;
  5. Date of birth and gender of the owner/director;
  6. Other data that may be relevant in the context of delivery agreements;When you place an order with allpa B.V., we may additionally process the following personal data: Nationality, Citizen Service Number (BSN), ID or passport or driver's license details, and bank details;

Special personal data
allpa B.V. only records special data if necessary to comply with its legal obligations, to the extent consent has been given, or if otherwise permitted by or pursuant to the law.

With whom do we share your personal data?
allpa B.V. may disclose personal data to third parties who provide services or carry out orders on its behalf, suppliers, government agencies, and other business relations. And in all other cases where we may be required to do so, for example, by a court order or a court judgment. A processing agreement has been concluded with other organizations that may view our data. In addition, allpa B.V. may share data with government agencies such as the Tax Authorities and financial institutions and insurers.
The provision of personal data is based on a legitimate interest, legal obligation, and/or for the performance of the agreement in accordance with the purposes mentioned under 'Why do we collect your personal data?'

How long do we keep your personal data?
The retention periods we use depend on the legal retention periods. Your personal data (address, etc.) is available for up to two years after the last delivery agreement.

If you no longer wish to be contacted, you can unsubscribe by phone or email from one of our employees. You will then no longer be contacted by allpa B.V. You can always contact us again if you are interested in our products.

Your rights
If you want to know your total personal data processing and/or want to change, delete, and/or transfer data that you cannot adjust yourself, you can contact an employee of allpa B.V.

allpa B.V. does everything possible to optimally secure your personal data against unauthorized use. We do this through physical, administrative, organizational, and technical measures. For example, only authorized persons have access to the data. If and insofar as data is provided to data processors who provide services or carry out orders on behalf of her, allpa B.V. has agreed with them by means of an agreement that they will also optimally secure the personal data.

Questions, comments, complaints
If you have questions, comments, or complaints about the protection of your personal data by allpa B.V., you can contact us via 024- 3777773 or via

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